On installing Windows 7 in your computer, you might have noticed that you cannot open certain files, and Win7 gives you the message “Access Denied”. This can be solved very easily.
1. Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker from The Windows Club.
2. Unzip it and run Ultimate Windows Tweaker.exe (it may ask for permission)
3. Go to Additional Tweaks and check wherever it says: Show "Take Ownership"
4. Restart your machine
5. Now right-click on the drive, folder, or file that is blocked and click "Take Ownership" and follow the prompts.
6. You can now access those files.
If this doesn't work
1. In the Tweaker, again, go to User Accounts & UAC
2. On the top right, you may find two options saying "Disabled". Enable them to enable the built-in Administrator.
3. Restart.
4. Log in to the Administrator account.
5. Right-click on the drive, folder, or file you desire permissions for.
6. Go to "Properties"
7. Go to "Security", then to "Advanced" and then to "Change Permissions"
8. Click on the User/Administrator account you use.
9. Check "Replace all child permissions....."
10. Press "Apply" and return.
11. Switch to your regular account. You may now be able to access the folders and files.
Other Go-around ways of solving it:
1. Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker from The Windows Club.
2. Unzip it and run Ultimate Windows Tweaker.exe (it may ask for permission)
3. Go to Additional Tweaks and check wherever it says: Show "Take Ownership"
4. Restart your machine
5. Now right-click on the drive, folder, or file that is blocked and click "Take Ownership" and follow the prompts.
6. You can now access those files.
If this doesn't work
1. In the Tweaker, again, go to User Accounts & UAC
2. On the top right, you may find two options saying "Disabled". Enable them to enable the built-in Administrator.
3. Restart.
4. Log in to the Administrator account.
5. Right-click on the drive, folder, or file you desire permissions for.
6. Go to "Properties"
7. Go to "Security", then to "Advanced" and then to "Change Permissions"
8. Click on the User/Administrator account you use.
9. Check "Replace all child permissions....."
10. Press "Apply" and return.
11. Switch to your regular account. You may now be able to access the folders and files.
Other Go-around ways of solving it:
1. Copy that file to some other place and open it. However, if you copy it back to the same folder, it will not open, unless you have changed its name.
2. Right-click on the file and go to Properties-Security-Advanced. Then, select the User-Name and press the “Change Permissions” button. Check the box “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent” and press the “Apply” button. Press “OK”. Now, you can open the file.
For some files, the process is Properties-Security-Advanced, then press “Continue”, then select user and check the box “Include inheritable…”.
In Detail
In Detail
To those have recently upgraded to the Windows 7 OS and have begun to wonder why they can’t open some of their old folders and files, the answer is simple: curtailing of administrative privileges; the OS recognizes these files on the system to be older and locked. In addition, though you are the administrator, it has failed to fully handover the privileges to you when you created a user account. Anyways, not minding these complications, let’s get to the solution-point and Keep It Simple and Sound (KISS).
The folders seem to be permanently locked – I have not been able to see a solution, yet; any attempt to attribute the privileges is returned with the message “ACCESS DENIED”
But, that’s not bad news. Here is the solution:
1.Just select the folder (s) or all the files within the folder and copy them (CTRL+C).
2. Then, get out of that folder and paste those files wherever you like (perhaps, a good idea would be to make a new folder, name it, and paste the files within it.
You’ll get a message asking for administrator permission. Press “Continue”.

You can now open those files.
* Remember that if you tried copying these files back to the same old folder, they won’t open. So, you understand that the bug called “Folder locked” is a weak one.
*Also remember that Cut (CTRL+X) and paste won’t work.
But, you can open the locked files within the same old folder; however, it takes a bit lengthier process.
1. Right-click on the file and go to “Properties“.
2. Find the “Security” tab, then go to “Advanced“.

3. You will be asked administrator permission. Press “Continue“.

4. Next, under “Permissions“, find and check the box next to “Include inheritable permissions from this object’s parent”.

5. Hit “Apply“.
You can now open the file.
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